1 Timothy 4:6 (The Message)

Exercise in God daily - no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. 1 Timothy 4:6 (The Message)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Define Discipline

Discipline, according to www.dictionary.com, means “activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.”  If you check www.thesaurus.com, discipline can mean “self-control” or “willpower”.  It also means “development” and “education.”

I often hear the phrases “I just have no willpower” or “I don’t have the discipline.”  With all due respect, I say to you, “Duh!”  You are human.  I am human.  You can thank Eve and Adam, for none of us are born disciplined.  Think about it:  tempted by an apple on a tree.  An apple?!  Eve!  Come on!  If it were chocolate cake hanging from the tree or an extra cheesy pizza, I could see the temptation, but an APPLE?  My point is you are human.  Strive for progression, NOT perfection.  You will not have a perfect day every day.  It’s called “life.”  Look at the overall picture.  Not one person is perfectly disciplined each and every day.  Using the terms mentioned in the first sentence, “train” to be disciplined; “develop” your discipline; and “educate” yourself on how you can be disciplined.

How will you stay disciplined physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

365 days FLY when you're having fun!

365 days FLY when you're having fun!  This last year has been a real, actual dream come true and has been an answer to at least 1000 prayers.  It has been one year since I took that giant leap of faith.  I quit my steady, secure, full-time job to do what I feel God called me to do:  instruct, teach, lead, and even learn fitness.  Something else - I had just had a baby and desperately wanted to be home with him more.  I had actually given up on teaching for several months so that I could at least have my evenings free after my day job.
Although I have been in the fitness industry for a long time, it was always a part-time job for me - actually, it was more of a hobby for me that I just so happened to get paid to do.  It was something I wanted to do as a "full-time" job, but never knew how to make it work. It was something I just assumed was not ever going to work out for me. Ah, friends, never doubt what you are capable of doing and NEVER doubt what God is capable of doing!

This last year I have taken three additional certifications, (in addition to multiple Zumba certifications I already maintain) most importantly, my personal trainer certification.  I've always been interested in personal training, but figured "how can I be a trainer if I am still training myself and working towards my own goals?"   Well, who would I be if I WASN'T still training myself and working towards my own goals?  I/You/We should always have something to work towards, right?

This last year has been amazing.  I am finally doing what I have wanted to do for a long time.  I am finally doing what I was called to do.  You know what's cool?  This is STILL a hobby for me!  I am so excited about the things I have learned in this last year. There is so much more that I need to learn and so much more I want to learn.

I would love to share with you what I have learned. Pop in to one of my Zumba classes or The Daily Burn on Tue/Thur evenings, or hit me up for personal training!  I would love to help you reach your fitness goals!
Thank you for your support this last year.  It has truly been a joy working with each of you!