Why C.H.A.N.G.E.?
Group classes offer Boot Camp for advanced or experienced
exercisers; Yoga for the spiritual exercisers; “Silver” or “Gold” classes for
the older exercisers; Aqua classes for the arthritic exercisers; Beginner
classes for the, well, beginners. What
about a class that is for someone that is none of these things?
I’m annoyed and almost offended by the media and government
stereo-typing and reporting on and on about the crisis our nation is in when it
comes to the overweight and obesity rates.
I understand the issue. I
understand we need to know, but I hate how they go about reporting, showing the
overweight as always being lazy, sedentary and eating fast food. ??? What?
Ya that really helps the situation.
Judging and negative images are sure to motivate. I feel like everyone keeps talking about the
crisis, but no one is doing anything to help change the problem! Not even gyms!
Not every overweight person is an overeater, actually, and
not every overweight person is sedentary.
Sometimes it is just the wrong combo of foods. Sometimes it’s ineffective exercise. You do not know where people are coming from
and it’s unfair to judge. I understand
this so closely.
For a long time now, I have had a deep desire in my heart to
start a new program specifically for those that have a significant amount of
weight to lose. Let’s learn how we need
to eat. Let’s learn how to exercise
effectively and efficiently!
I am so excited to start this new small group training. C.H.A.N.G.E. with The Disciplined Life. Take CONTROL of your HEALTH by staying
ACCOUNTABLE in improving your NUTRITION, setting GOALS, and EXERCISING! This class will be appropriate for those who
may have 100-200+ pounds to lose. This
class will also be appropriate for those who may not have quite that much to
lose, but may have limited mobility due to back pain or other joint pain.
So why C.H.A.N.G.E.? Participants
will learn how to safely and effectively exercise and will be given a basic
meal plan to follow. On top of that,
participants will be given daily and weekly accountability and encouragement. Accountability and encouragement: two things that set the path to a healthy,
long-lasting success!
I’ll end by quoting 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20: “Do you not know that your body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit…?...Therefore, honor God with your body.” Let’s do this! Let’s change for the better. Let’s change for the healthier!