What is it about the C.H.A.N.G.E.* small group training that has made you stick with it longer than any other exercise or fitness program?
small size of the group allows Mandi to provide a lot of relevant,
individualized, immediate feedback when we work out and our group is very
supportive and encouraging of one another which helps to hold us accountable.
In addition, the focus is continually on our personal improvement whether it is
gaining strength or more endurance, eating healthier, better posture or more
self-confidence. I feel I can have success with this program because I can
continually improve. If the whole focus was only on weight loss or fitting into
a specific size of clothing in 8 weeks…I would feel like a failed…again. The
best thing Mandi has taught me is that “every-body” is different and I
shouldn’t expect my journey to be exactly like anyone else’s journey.
What kind of changes have
you made since starting the C.H.A.N.G.E.* small group training?
I have
made a lot of changes! I am eating healthier foods. I track what I eat. I have
set goals for sleep, activity, meal planning and exercise. I think one of the
best changes I’ve made is constantly being aware of the choices I have for a
healthier me. I’m learning that a lot of small, good choices can have a big
impact on a healthier life for me.
I feel
healthier, stronger, and more self-confident. I just got back from a short
vacation where the benefits of my C.H.A.N.G.E.* training were really
highlighted for me. I had more stamina for walking around sight-seeing. One
day, we started walking a trail and ended up in the downtown district – seven
miles away! And, the best part was that I loved every minute of the trek! I
felt so much more self-confident, too. I even “hammed” it up for the camera in
Metropolis, IL where I compared myself to Superman.
What words of encouragement
would you give to others?
will never know what your body can achieve or how much healthier you can be if
you never venture outside of your comfort zone to give C.H.A.N.G.E.* a try. I highly recommend small group classes with an
instructor, like Mandi, that provides such a great balance of support, as in
“YOU CAN!” and challenge, as in “DO THIS!” that creates the perfect environment
to believe in your own heart, “YOU CAN DO THIS!”
*C.H.A.N.G.E. is a small group personal training program specifically for those with a significant amount of weight to lose and/or those with limited mobility to joint or back pain.